Thursday, August 26, 2004

Soul and Inspiration

I'm fed middle America.

This morning, I listened to a news story on my way to work. In the story, they spoke with a woman from Missouri who is voting for George W Bush because of his morals. Specifically she referred to his stand on gay marriage and his 'honesty and integrity' - Hello?!

I have heard this several times now, that people are going to vote for Bush because of his morals.

Am I the only one who finds this laughable?

Since when was skipping out on military service been moral?
How has lying about the threat posed by Sadam Hussein, by invoking fear of WMD's and of terrorists (though we know now that the WMD threat was, at best, sketchy in the months before the war and Sadam's regime is yet to be tied to any terrorist group) honest?
How has quietly reversing rules and regulations that protect the environment been moral?
How is cutting taxes, under the guise of boosting the economy even though most of the benefit goes to a few and results in spiraling deficits, been moral?

Also, I really don't understand people who consider gay marriage to be a reason to vote for one candidate over another. Do people really think that extending the protections and legal responsibilities of marriage to gays will cheapen 'traditional' marriages (or that preventing it will somehow magically cause gays - who seem to make some people mighty uncomfortable for some reason - go away)? If so, could you please explain how?

I believe that many people perceive GWB to be a religious man and, therefore, want to overlook any evidence that he just might not be up to the job. Here's how I see it...let's look at what he has actually done and then decide if he is a better man for the job than his opponent.

That's what I'll be doing. Right now, he's not looking too good to me.

To the lady in Missouri...thanks for ticking me off enough to get me to start this blog.



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