...and now for something completely different...
If y'all will let me rant about something a bit outside the charter of my blog...
What, pray tell, could possibly possess someone to think that reading a newspaper and driving is a good idea?
I'm not talking about at a traffic light or with no one in front of him...this was a guy in a mid-90's Ford Explorer (it just had to be an SUV, didn't it?), at least 50mph and maybe 3 car lengths off the bumper of the car in front of him.
I guess I should be happy he was holding the paper slightly to the side so I could depend on his highly honed peripheral vision for the task of piloting his 4500 pound vehicle.
Okay, repeat after me, "driving is a skill, driving is a privilege, I will pay proper attention to what I am doing behind the wheel, I will respect others around me enough to not put them at undue risk of being smashed into by my vehicle" - repeat until it sinks in.
Until next time.
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