Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Kerry Concedes - half a nation cries

Well, the math was pretty hard to argue with and now we are officially on the road to the second 4 years of George W. Bush.

Of course, if you thought the first four years showed reckless disregard for what the rest of the world and progressive minded folks like myself thought...just wait until you see what GWB not needing to keep enough people happy to get re-elected will look like.

Thanks Ohio.


At 7:50 AM, Blogger Scott K said...

Sorry, vicki...I probably let my anger about the loss get the better of me...

Ohio wasn't the only state that went Red in the just was the one the media made the scapegoat.

Let's hope the Dems can get their act together well enough to get their message properly communicated next time around.

Thanks for your input.


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