Let's all keep our heads, shall we?
As if anyone with a pulse could have missed this, in the US we are about to have our 'mid-term' elections. These are the elections that occur on even years between our presidential elections.
Up for election are 1/3 of our Senators and all of our House of Representatives. In addition there are countless State and local elections.
What I've decided to take time to talk about here is being smart about political claims, muckraking, and advertising by candidates.
Here in the northwest area of Denver, we're seeing some pretty ugly advertising, which I'm sure is not all that uncommon in our current political climate.
My main takeaway from what I've seen this year is this:
Beware any candidate who wants to paint any issue as if it all came down to siding with them or with terrorists. Specifically, Republicans are taking this tack since they know that they poll best on the terrorism issue. However, it is ridiculous to see how far they are attempting to stretch this perceived advantage.
Here in CO, immigration is a hot issue, however, it is laughable to try to bend this into a terrorism issue. It is insulting as a voter and does a great disservice to us all because it avoids really talking about the issue.
So, while getting ready for your vote in November - try to spot this tactic and don't let them muddle the issues.
And, as always, vote for who will do the best job. Personally, I won't be voting for anyone who insults my intelligence.
Until next time...
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